A Person Who Has Never Made a Mistake Never Tried Anything New.
All of the greatest influencers in the world have made mistakes and will continue to. It is the pathway to greatness. We either try something new and make mistakes or, we stay in the same place ‘comfortably’ and don’t move forward.
“A person who never makes a mistake will work for the one who does.” – John Maxwell
Even though avoiding mistakes may seem to feel better, the reality is, it is worse to not grow and to not live up to our potential. When we aren’t true to the potential within us, we aren’t fully true to ourselves. We can feel it deep down inside. Mistakes bring growth. Growth brings happiness.
“Everything you are going through is preparing you for what you asked for.”
I am not saying go out and deliberately make mistakes. I am saying go out and take ACTION. If you happen to make a mistake, perfect. Learn from it. Grow from it. Then take more ACTION. You will get there. You will grow. Each lesson learned will prepare you for the dreams you have.
The keyword on this post is ACTION:
Make it happen!